Daemon - The Entrance To Hell (70-71 post Atomic Rooster / pre Hard Stuff, Kissing Spell CDRrip, single flac + cue, log, artwork)

As Gustafson points out in his August 2007 LET IT ROCK interview, the Daemon stuff never saw an official release, so when you find a set that claims to be just that...you have to throughly examine it. This group was supposed to be a post-Atomic Rooster / pre-Hard Stuff lineup that John Gustafson says he was never in. They were more than likely named after the 5 episode serial of a Doctor Who storyline; broadcast May 22–June 19, 1971. First off; this disc is titled DAEMON - THE ENTRANCE TO HELL 1971-1972, and has it's own 'authentic' cover. That is to say it was genuinely released in 2006 on Kissing Spell Records.
One can quickly determine that he majority of this material was released as Hard Stuff on their BULLETPROOF album ...which means we're NOT talking about a different lineup. That is to say there is another band's album being bootlegged here! They all have the same titles as released on BULLETPROOF, except "Fortune's Told" which was released under the name "Hobo". These recordings are identical in their performance, with incredibly minor production variations. Nothing like 'more echo on the vocals', 'a new ending' or 'a previously unheard organ part'; we're talking about played through a different set of speakers. The EXACT same songs. In other words; go with the Hard Stuff album, and just add the few unreleased tracks as bonus material. This actually brings the whole 'Daemon session before Hard Stuff was formed' into question as in; does it even exist?
Of this material, there are two 'sound effects' of a door opening and closing with tracks 1 & 16. So, only tracks 5,6,7,8,11,17 are 'new' material. But then we quickly decipher that "The Orchestrator" was the B-side to Hard Stuff's 1972 "Jay Time" single (a welcome addition, no doubt), which is obvious from the difference in the way it sounds compared to the tracks it's sandwiched between. These two tracks ("Entrance To Hell" and "Hell - Demonic Possession") are in-studio jams that are so loose they could be by anybody, and frankly; detract from the whole proceeding. There is another one of these in track 11, that's the best of these jams...but it doesn't approach the quality of the actual songs. That leaves the 7:08 long "Jam - The Provider"; which is actually the entire jam that the 1:53 "The Provider" on BULLETPROOF was taken from (another excellent addition). "Evil Maker" is the only track that remains, and it's a slow (nearly acoustic) Country influenced boogie number with stumbling drums and other indicators that this is a fledgling demo that needed work.
That leaves us with an excellent B-side and an unreleased complete studio take from the Hard Stuff sessions, three 'jams' that don't reveal anything (and hardly sound like the same group) and a slow boogie outtake that needed work (hence it's not being on the Hard Stuff album). My assessment: 1) there are only two tracks worth having 2) it's NOT Daemon and 3) sounds better elsewhere. Get this if you need the 2 good tracks, but definitely track down Hard Stuff's BULLETPROOF album if you want this material.
(~7-floor) sambson said...
Daemon - Jam-The Provider
01. Doors Opens 0:08
02. Millionaire 6:06
03. No Witch At All 5:39
04. Taken Alive / Amyl Nitrate 3:15
05. Evil Maker 5:39
06. Entrance To Hell 4:30
07. The Orchestrator 3:27
08. Hell - Demonic Possession 10:08
09. Fortune's Told 3:32
10. Sinister Minister 3:34
11. Jam 1:40
12. Time Gambler 6:14
13. Monster In Paradise 4:37
14. Jay Time 2:53
15. Mr Longevity 4:39
16. Door Closes 0:07
17. Jam - The Provider 7:08
Al Shaw: Vocals & percussion
Paul Hammond: Drums
John Gustafson: Bass & vocals
John Du Cann: Guitar & vocals
[Rip and Scans by gigic2255]
It's BOMB!!!
ResponderExcluirMore obscure British heavy metal fuzz from the vaults of Kissing Spell – this time from the early Seventies. John Du Cann played some storming lead guitar here after leaving Atomic Rooster, and the band were later known as Bullet, then Hard Stuff. Good value this – 69 minutes of driving rock
ResponderExcluirIn July 1971 John Cann and Paul Hammond leave the band Atomic Rooster separated into two halves. They want to maintain the hard-rock sound of the satanic background. In August, Cann, Hammond and bass player John Gustafson formed the group The Bullet. They get an immediate contract with Purple Records.
In the autumn seem SP Hobo. It appears then that the name of Bullet have another group in the U.S.. They want to be called An, but unexpectedly broaden lineup. In the autumn of 1971 the group joined vocalist Al Shaw. The four musicians called The Daemon now, in compliance with their satanic background music. They record a joint album.
At the end of 1971, the market appears to LP Entrance To Hell, high-quality hard-rock album. Unfortunately, despite a really good sound of the album did not sell. On the cover of the album is a dedication to Zeikenhuis Henri Serruys Hospital Ostend, Belgium, where John Cann was treated for a week, and before John Hammond had surgery on a broken leg.
Daemon – album Entrance To Hell (1971)
ResponderExcluir*Door Opens
The door actually creaked open. It takes 8 seconds.
Hard-rock. Best riff and drums. Slowly guitar enters the atmosphere. In the second part DuCann already raging with Hammond. Really excellent piece.
*No Witch At All
Input percussion, guitar riff comes out soon. Slightly worse than the previous track, but the music and so great.
*Taken Alive + amyl Nitrate
Introduction to the rhythm of the boogie hard. Resonate with the southern United States. Much feelingu. DuCann takes out his guitar, but not crazy.
+Evil Maker
Great start. Again associate Lynyrd Skynyrd and southern United States. The singer is really prepared for all possibilities. This track is very for it. A brief solo DuCanna.
*Entrance to Hell
Hard-rock instrumental. Hammond deadly. Bass runs in the foreground, and the guitar is used for making a little lazy, but the overwhelming solo.
*The Orchestrator
Introduction The original, based on distortion guitar sound. A little monotonous.
*Hell: Daemonica Posession
Instrumental guitar and percussion show.
*Fortunes Told
Hard-rock. Even the melodic thing. Guitar Solo, but without folly.
*Sinister Minister
Strong, though sometimes a bit boring.
Rock And Roll. Very traditionally treated by all, except DuCanna.
*Monster In Paradise
Hard-rock. A dynamic piece with a good riff. In the middle of a guitar solo.
*Time Gambler
Heavy, riff but not too interesting. But the guitar goes crazy as he wants.
*Jay Time
Good song. Heavy, good riff. Vocalist little screams, and the bass is not forgiven.
*Mr. Longevity + Door Closes
Hard-rock. Dynamics and Chad.
^Jam The Provider
The whole piece is a display of guitars and drums, while bassist gives his many, especially in the second part. Vocalist from time to time spits out shouts and murmurs.
CD mastering That emphasizes the rawness of the the material.
That shows some of the new young how to play heavy metal Properly.
1971.12.(01 – 18) Route Britain. Prerun for Uriah Heep. The ensemble performs under the name of Bullet.
Lack of success does not break them. Someone said that if you can not get through, change the name of the group. That’s what they did. From April 1972 called the Bulldog.
In June 1972 Al Shaw leaves, followed by another change of name to Hard Stuff. Go on a style that is very popular. However, the Hard Stuff never had such attention, like Atomic Rooster and money harder entered the pocket.
1972.06 Bulletproof album release in June 1972 (with a single to Jay Time / The Orchestrator). The album included versions of the same songs every album Entrance To Hell, in addition to number and track singles Hobo Mr. Longevity, in which the release of Hard Stuff Gustafson sang.
1973 album release Bolex Dementia in 1973 (with the single Inside Your Life / How Do You Do It).
At the beginning of 1974 was unsuccessful tour of Cpt. Beefheart, after which disintegrate. Cann went to Thin Lizzy for a while. Gustafson worked with Roxy Music and the Ian Gillan Band.
Thanks Gigic!
Hi Gigic
ResponderExcluirThanks a lot for this incredible band, i loved it
Gigic please could you update the link for part. 2? it is not working always the server is busy. Thanks,
buckeye - alternative link for Pt.2 has been added
Excluircant get part 2 need a better link please
ResponderExcluirNew link added!