Budgie: Let The Bird Out Of Its Cage! (Live Northampton 2004.03.23) {Bootleg} [FLAC]

Mesmo que o Budgie tenha voltado à ativa e feito alguns shows nos últimos anos, ainda é difícil encontrar bootlegs desses shows, até porque eles são feitos em lugares para poucas pessoas. No caso desse aqui, o Budgie tocou pra uma platéia de cerca de 300 pessoas. O som é perfeitamente audível, de qualidade quase perfeita, exceto por algumas distorções nas partes mais pesadas. Quanto às músicas tocadas, há uma seleção desde o primeiro álbum até o 'Nightflight', já que até então eles não tinham preparado nada de novo.
Quanto à formação, no baixo e nos vocais, como sempre, o velho Burke Shelley acompanhado de Steve Williams - baterista da banda desde o 'Bandolier', lançado em 1975 - e Craig Goldy - guitarrista ex-integrante da banda de DIO.
Por fim, é só baixar e curtir a sonzeira!
Although Budgie have got back on track and played some concerts in the last decade, it is still very difficult to find bootlegs of these concerts, even because they are played in small venues packed with a few people. On this one, Budgie played for an audience of about 300 people. The sound is perfectly audible and has an almost perfect quality, except for some distorcions in the heaviest parts. As for the songs played, there is a selection that goes from their debut album until 'Nightflight', once that by then they hadn't prepared anything new.
About the line-up, on the bass and vocals, as always, the good old Burke Shelley alongside Steve Williams - drummer who is onboard since 'Bandolier', released in 1975 - and Craig Goldy - guitarrist and former member of DIO's band.
Now it's just about downloading and enjoying this mega sound!
Recorded live from the audience at Roxy Theatre, Northampton, PA, United States, on March 23rd, 2004.
Disc 1:
01 Intro (4:33)
02 Panzer Division Destroyed (7:35)
03 Melt The Ice Away (5:53)
04 Gunslinger (6:26)
05 Crime Against The World (5:57)
06 I Turned To Stone (6:38)
07 Black Velvet Stallion (9:10)
08 In For The Kill > Rape Of The Locks > Guts (12:14)
09 Nude Disintegrating Parachutist Woman (3:32)
10 Zoom Club (7:37)
Disc 2:
01 Napoleon Bona Part One - Part Two (10:13)
02 Parents (2:56)
03 Breadfan > Guitar Solo > Whiskey River (12:19)
Burke Shelley - bass, vocals
Craig Goldy - guitar
Steve Williams - drums
Password: bordeldorock.blogspot.com
The Band BUDGIE, phenomenon in Poland in its time has reached cult status of almost equal DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN and BLACK SABBATH
ResponderExcluircassette recorded from the radio circulated from hand to hand, the original vinyl sent by uncle from abroad listened to, reverently at the homes of friends, often with a bottle of wine or beer
Concerts in Poland attracted crowds .... I was also, the first time in 1982 in Bygdoszczy (in my city) ....fantastic memories!
Thanks a lot
Esta banda é sensacional e tenho vários albuns e adoro todos.
ResponderExcluirInfelizmente não consegui achar em FLAC, apenas em mp3 de baixíssima qualidade.
Se alguém tiver links com albuns do Budgie em flac ou até mp3 de 320kbps e quiser disponibilizar, ficarei imensamente agradecido.