Tangerine Dream Live: The Bootmoon Series - Detroit, March 31st 1977 (2006) {Tangerine Tree Vol. 25} [FLAC]

Aê putada, eis aqui mais um ao vivo do Tangerine Dream também da turnê norte-americana de 1977. Esse show foi a segunda data da turnê e essa gravação foi feita da platéia, mas tem qualidade boa por ter sido remasterizada. A partir dessa época, a banda começou a determinar sets para cada turnê, mas ainda assim havia espaço para vários improvisos, como se cada apresentação fosse uma experiência completamente única.
Este aqui também é mais outro show que veio originalmente da série Tangerine Tree e que acabou sendo oficializado pelo selo da própria banda. Totalmente imperdível para os fãs da banda.
Hello freaks, here's another Tangerine Dream live album also from the 1977 North-American tour. This concert was the second date of the tour and this recording was taped from the audience, although it has a good quality because it was remastered. From this period onwards, the band began to create fixed sets for each tour, even though there was still space for improvising, as if each performance was a completely unique experience.
This is also another concert which originally came from the Tangerine Tree series and which happened to be officialized by the band's own label. Never to be missed by die-hard fans.
Disc 1
01 Cherokee Lane (12:33)
02 Monolight (21:30)
03 The Emerald Beyond (18:43)
Disc 2
01 Patterns In The Ivy (14:23)
02 Face Of The Earth (13:56)
03 Conjuration (6:32)
04 Signals From Above (11:37)
Edgar Froese - guitar, keyboards, synthesizer
Chris Franke - keyboards, synthesizer
Peter Baumann - keyboards, synthesizer
Recorded live from the audience at Ford Auditorium, Detroit, United States, on March 31st, 1977. Remastered by (Side Effects) at Studio Positivland using a low generation tape.
Originally and previously unofficially released as Tangerine Tree Vol. 25 in January 2003. Officially re-released as TDI Music BOOTMOON008CD on September 25th, 2006.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Password: bordeldorock.blogspot.com
I don't this one... ah, the joy of the first listening. Obrigado/merci !