(The Symphonic Rock Orchestra) Wallenstein: Stories, Songs & Symphonies (1975) {1993 Reissue} [FLAC]

Artist: Wallenstein
Album: Stories, Songs & Symphonies
Genre: Symphonic Progressive Rock
Year: 1975
Country: Germany
Label/Catalog: Spalax Music/14294 (1993 Reissue)
Format: FLAC (image+cue+log)
Aê putada, depois de ter postado os três primeiros álbuns do Wallenstein, está aqui o quarto e o último antes deles terem se tornado uma banda de pop - obviamente para se manterem ativos por mais alguns anos. Este também foi o último álbum da banda a ser lançado pela Kosmische Musik, uma vez que depois eles assinaram um contrato com a RCA e lá permaneceram até 1979.
Infelizmente este álbum é altamente subestimado pela maioria dos fãs da banda. Talvez por ser mais leve e tender mais à música clássica ou pelo fato de Jürgen Dollase não ser lá um exemplo de vocalista, apesar de ser um excelente pianista e compositor. Mas esse álbum não deve nada a nenhum outro do mesmo gênero e da mesma época.
Hello freaks, after having posted Wallenstein's first three albums, here's the fourth and the last one before they became a pop band - obviously to keep themselves for some more years. This was also their last album released by Kosmische Musik, once that they were signed to RCA shortly afterwards and there they remained until 1979.
Unfortunatly this album is highly underrated by most fans. Perhaps for being mellower and tending more to classical music or by the fact that Jürgen Dollase was far from being an example of vocalist, in despite of being an excellent pianist and composer. But this album doesn't owe anything to any other release from the genre and the same period.
01 The Priestess (4:15)
02 Stories, Songs & Symphonies (9:52)
03 The Banner (6:00)
04 Your Lunar Friends (11:20)
05 Symphaty For Bela Bartok (Parts I, II & III) (5:28)
Jürgen Dollase - piano, mellotron, synthesizer, vibraphone, lead vocals
Bill Barone - electric & acoustic guitars
Harald Großkopf - drums, percussion
Jürgen Pluta - bass, percussion, back vocals
Joachim Reiser - violin, percussion
Originally released as Kosmische Musik KM 58.014 in 1975.
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ResponderExcluirEstou lutando para achar albuns do Murasaki de 1977 em diante. Quem tiver "link's" ativos e disposto a compartilhar, vou agradecer...
Wallenstein were one of Germany's best known "space rock" bands, clearly indebted to Pink Floyd but also developing a personal style of their own. Jurgen Dollase founded the group Blitzkrieg as an international group with Bill Barone (from the USA), Jerry Berkers (from the Netherlands) and Harald Grosskopf (from Germany!). Dollase had previously studied art and classical music. In late Autumn 1971 Blitzkrieg had the repertoire ready for an album, but as a British group already was using the name "Blitzkrieg", the German group changed their name to Wallenstein and kept Blitzkrieg as the title of their first album four very long tracks in a symphonic progressive rock style (all written by Dollase) and almost completely instrumental. Dense, complex and powerful stuff!
ResponderExcluirGerman band that progressed through a number of musical styles during their decade-plus of existence, from early krautrock to symphonic rock, and to space rock toward the end of their existence. Wallenstein's fourth and last album(LP First released in 1975 on OHR Kosmische Musik KM 58.014) may seem a tad dated by today' standards, but the music itself measures up to anything else being produced in the genre at the time, in Germany or elsewhere. This was certainly the most overtly orchestral effort yet by Jürgen Dollase and company, as befits a band that liked to call itself "The Symphonic Rock Orchestra". Dollase's vocals are, as always, an acquired taste, but his hand at the grand piano is strong and sure, without any of the empty pyrotechnics practiced by other keyboard wizards at the time. Joachim Reiser's violin is more conspicuous than before, and guitarist Bill Barone is even allowed a few understated jams, notably in the long middle section of the title track. The compositions do have strong classical leanings whether they promote the fact or not, especially in Jurgen Dollase's Piano playing and Joachim Reiser's Violin. Piano is the lead instrument throughout the album, with some Mellotron touches and Synthesizer.
Stories, Songs & Symphonies (1975) attempted to bring in more conventional rock and jazz styles for a kind of extended fusion, but was largely an artistic failure. Only their adaptation of Bartok's music on "Symphaty for Bela Bartok" was of much interest.
In any case, the album is scarce, maybe even moreso on an Italian pressing, and Quadraphonic at that.
Wallenstein split in 1975 and Bill Barone returned to the USA. Harald Grosskopf was engaged as the drummer for Klaus Schulze, Ashra and more recently Central Europe Performance.
@micose as always, thanks for good work my friend!
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ExcluirAdam, after having listened to their four first and crutial albums, I think that Wallenstein had little or nothing to do with Pink Floyd, maybe more with bands like Beggar's Opera, which had a much more symphonic approach.
ExcluirToo bad that this album was and still is underrated, I really quite enjoy listening to it.
Yep David,
Excluirsurely we can find a lot of influence and inspiration The first two albums include dynamic music in an atmosphere of Pink Floyd, Gila & .. a little Deep Purple! A third LP was already more "space" - in the style of Ash Ra Tempel and early Klaus Schultze.... of course, in my opinion..
Wallenstein - German electronic rock band, representing the German variety, known as krautrock, founded in Viersen, North Rhine-Westphalia, later working in Mönchengladbach. The team operated from 1971 to 1982.
In the period from March to June 1981 the team held its last, as it turned out,, tournée ... in 1982 is the ultimate solution.
1972 / Blitzkrieg
1972 / Mother Universe
1973 / Cosmic Century
1975 / Stories, Songs & Symphonies
1977 / No More Love
1978 / Charline
1979 / Blue Eyed Boys
1980 / Fräuleins
1981 / SSSSS…TOP
for interested....
group side:
http://www.harald-grosskopf.de/wallenstein.html # History