Sheavy-Celestial HI-Fi - Repost By Request - WAV
Para Tatonha cair de 4
Procure a palavra Mágica (Sabbath)
Procure a palavra Mágica (Sabbath)
source: my own cd
Ai putada, siguinteEstou voltando aos pesados, do jeito que eu gosto
Este disco aqui é paulada sem tamanho, para quem gosta do velho Sabbath
Grupo canadense, em sua melhor fase, voce não pode deixar de baixa-lo, ainda mais no original
Vou destacar apenas algumas músicas, mas todas são de fuder
O disco começa com Hyperfaster, um bruta coice para deixar voce doido de cara
E Stingray part II, pesadíssima
Mas as preferidas são a título do disco Celestial Hi-Fi e At Mountain of Madness
Bom quero é mais é que voces se fodam baixando esta paulada aqui
Hey your freaks
I'm going back to heavy, the way I like it
This record is whack here without size, for those who like the old Sabbath
Canadian group at its best, you can only download it, even in the original
I will highlight just a few songs, but all are fuck songs
The disc begins with Hyperfaster, a raw kick to let you crazy face
And Stingray Part II, very heavy
But the favorites are the title of the album Celestial Hi-Fi and At Mountain of Madness
Well I want more is that you guys fuck this whack downloading here
Now the Raw Material of Adamus67
Our Spcialist in Classic Rock From Poland
Sheavy (sometimes typeset as sHeavy, to emphasise their heaviness) are a long running Canadaian Stoner Rock/Metal act. The band are vastly underrated but no less of an important contributor to the genre. While they may not have become as successful as some of their American peers, the band are still worth checking out and have released a wealth of really strong albums.
Celestial Hi-Fi was their third full-length studio album and was released in 2000, which became one of their better loved albums even as the scene which spawned them was fast disappearing from media attention. It was the second of four albums to feature Steve Hennessey, Dan Moore, Keith Foley and Ren Squires in the line-up at the height of the band’s stability and initial push.
If you like creative and interesting bands like Fu Manchu, Kyuss, The Atomic Bitchwax, Dozer or even Clutch then Sheavy are a perfect outfit to discover and explore. Black Sabbath inspired grooves and warm desert feel are both very much in evidence on Celestial Hi-Fi.
In fact, if you do like Sabbath then the vocals of in particular may interest you, as Singer Steve Hennessey sometimes does an incredible job of specifically mimicking Ozzy Osbourne, right down to some of the exact nuances, although on this album he did start developing more of his own style at times as well.
On Celestial Hi-Fi the band stopped splitting their time between track styles as much and instead delivered more six-and-a-half minute tracks which covered all of the band’s styles in one. This album definitely features more groovy and melodic up-tempo buzzy rockers than their earlier work did, but still has a few of the slower doomy numbers for variety. If you are the type of person who finds that music can conjure up imagery; this is very much an album that you can picture being heard in front of a warm orange sunset rather than beside a rain-soaked window overlooking a bleak industrial cityscape.
As with all the band’s albums, the record is full of impressive guitar solos. This album in particular almost never stops delivering lead guitar moments in some form or another.
There are many album highlights including the amazingly catchy `What’s Up Mr. Zero?’ which is one of the band’s best songs to date, as well as the Title Track and `Gemini (The Twins)’ however there is no real let-up in quality and the album is fantastic from beginning to end, there aren’t any skipable tracks and everything on the record is as melodically strong as eachother.
Overall Celestial Hi-Fi is another enjoyable collection of warm, analogue sounding Stoner Rock/Metal tracks from Sheavy, continuing on their upward trajectory in terms of quality and increasing originality. Celestial Hi-Fi is unquestionably one of the band’s best albums and if you enjoy it check out the band’s previous, more Sabbathy effort The Electric Sleep too. I highly recommend both albums to fans of the aforementioned bands of the genre as a whole.
Sheavy – Celestial Hi-Fi /2000/ Stoner Metal / Canada
Label: Rise Above Records
Track list :
01.Hyper Faster 4:26
02.What's Up Mr. Zero? 3:40
03.Stingray - Part II 5:20
04.Solarsphere 5:45
05.Strange Gods, Strange Altars 6:39
06.Celestial Hi-Fi 6:48
07.Mountains Of Madness 5:02
08.Persona 6:43
09.A Utopian Interlude 4:35
10.Gemini (The Twins) 3:56
11.Tales From The Afterburner 6:52
Band :
Evan Chalker : Guitar
Jason Williams : Drums
Keith Foley : Bass
Chris White : Guitar
Steve Hennessey : Vocals
(Past members)
Rennie Squires : Drums
Paul Gruchy : Bass
Stirling Robertson : Guitar
Dan Moore : Guitar
Kevin Dominic : Drums
Tommy Boland : Guitar
crica I
crica II
ResponderExcluirse não me angano 1996, mas dá uma pesquizadinha no google
ResponderExcluirdá menos trabalho que eu procurar no armário de discos
Em DEZ de 2011 a PV postou um outro Sheavy e lá nos comentários eu coloquei o ano e o nome de alguns álbuns:
Obrigado pela lembrança Ivo
ResponderExcluirSão tantas coisas que não dá para correr atrás de tudo que pedem, e algumas coisas são tão simples como pesquizar no google, mas preferem a lei do mínimo esforço
Esse e' dos baum mesmo... Gostei PVzinha
ResponderExcluirHey Dan .. is it heavy enough for you?
How much influence the seventies' have on a resurging Rock music? How bout going all the way back to 1970 for starters. How much influence does Black Sabbath have on Heavy music? Go all the way back to 1995, or somewhere thereabouts, to when a Canadian foursome going by s-HEAVY, pronounced just how it's spelled, decides, well we're not just going to borrow from the best, we're going to BE the best. And that's BE as in literally!
ResponderExcluirIt's one thing to rip off a band and try to pass yourself off as that band. But, it's another thing to become that band. Sheavy is best described as the doppelganger of Black Sabbath. Lead vocalist Steve Hennemey has an uncanny knack for sounding like a mirror image of Ozzy Osbourne. And the music is a complete knock-off of Black Sabbath; entirely influenced by Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne.
The band doesn't beat around the bush. They cut straight to the chase and deliver Black Sabbath from the get go. From the opening of "Hyperfaster" you'll instantly sense the Black Sabbath connection, the Ozzy Osbourne vocals, and the idol worship this band must have for their number one influence.
"What's Up Mr. Zero?," "Solarsphere," "At the Mountains of Madness," and "Tales from the Afterburner" are all hard rocking, sweaty arena metal cuts that will take you back a few decades to the time when Sabbath as at their apex and nothing could stand in their way or slow them down.
If you're looking for a young Sabbath to remind you how it felt the first time you heard heavy metal, than you could either put your old Sabbath vinyl back on the record player or put in Celestial Hi-Fi. Either way, you'll get the same effect.
I sign with both hands under that
By: Alex Steininger
@Hey Dan ... certainly depresses the you in the chair ... hehehe