sHeavy-The Electric Sleep - Repost by Request of Mr.Por Favor-WAV
With a Bonus Track only exists here
My record of Electric Sleep (the music) live, on studio to be a demo before the disc
Ai putada siguinte:
Ontem nos comentários da postagem original deste disco apareceu um novo leitor que se identifica como "por favor"
Muito educadamene pediu a repostagem pois o link já era (e era a discografia completa)
Eu disse que tinha acabado de sair do hospital, mas que repostaria um a um, só que desta vez em WAV, mas que ele tivesse paciência
Bom , comecei a cumprir a promessa, e aqui está para mim o melhor dos melhores sHeavy
À la Sabbath vem uma obra de arte deste grupo canadense da cidade de Saint Thomas
O disco é brilhante, como a maioria dos Sheavy
Começa com uma puta cacetada chamada Virtual Machine, e o nível não cai
Quando chega na título Electric Sleep tem que ajoelhar (na original), na minha bonus track é melhor ainda, se escuta eles conversando no estúdio, brincando, e ai a coisa pega fogo
Então não adianta citar músicas, baixe e escute com o devido respeito e carinho que este disco merece
Hey your freaks
Yesterday in the comments of the original post on this disc appeared a new reader who identifies himself as "please" ("por favor" in portuguese)
Very educade asked reposting because the link was broken (and it was the complete discography)
I said I had just left the hospital, but a pastry at a time, only this time in WAV, but he had patience
Well, I began to realize the promise, and here's to me the best of the best sHeavy
In the Sabbath it is a work of art of this Canadian group of the city of Saint Thomas
The album is brilliant, as most Sheavy
It begins with a bludgeon bitch called Virtual Machine, and the level does not fall
Once in the title have to kneel Electric Sleep (the original) in my bonus track is even better, you hear them talking in the studio, playing, and there all hell breaks loose
So no point in quoting songs, download and listen with due respect and affection that this record deserves
Very educade asked reposting because the link was broken (and it was the complete discography)
I said I had just left the hospital, but a pastry at a time, only this time in WAV, but he had patience
Well, I began to realize the promise, and here's to me the best of the best sHeavy
In the Sabbath it is a work of art of this Canadian group of the city of Saint Thomas
The album is brilliant, as most Sheavy
It begins with a bludgeon bitch called Virtual Machine, and the level does not fall
Once in the title have to kneel Electric Sleep (the original) in my bonus track is even better, you hear them talking in the studio, playing, and there all hell breaks loose
So no point in quoting songs, download and listen with due respect and affection that this record deserves
Valeu, putada. Só peço uma informação: de que ano é este CD? Cacetada, muito bom!
1996 se não me engano
Is 1996 the first release of this? thx! You say download, oldbitch, I download!
ResponderExcluirAnd you say i love when you ear
Grande PV,
ResponderExcluirTudo bem com vc? Assim espero, depois desse retorno do Hospital.
Só para sanar esta dúvida, no Cd e no encarte do meu exemplar consta ser de 1998.
Então fica assim:
1995 - Blue Sky Mind
1996 - Blue Sky Mind & Slave to Fashion Demo
1998 - The Electric Sleep
2000 - Celestial Hi-Fi
São os que tenho
ResponderExcluirDo jeito que eu tou, eu não tenho certeza de nada
Obrigado pela ajuda