Out Of Focus: Wake Up! (1970) {2010 Remaster} [FLAC]

Não sei se vocês se lembram, mas eu já postei álbum ao vivo do Out Of Focus lançado pela Garden Of Delights e, de qualquer forma, eu vou lhes reapresentar a banda. O Out Of Focus é um grupo alemão de Munique cujo som era parecido com o que era feito pelas bandas de Canterbury, mas com mais experimentações, algo que era marca registrada das bandas de krautrock.
Na época, eles lançaram três álbuns de estúdio, sendo que o último deles era duplo. Um quarto álbum chegou a ser gravado inteiramente, mas só foi lançado pela primeira vez em 1999 e pela Garden of Delights.
Enfim, uma grande banda e altamente recomendável pros fãs de fusion.
I don't know if you remember, but I had already posted a Out Of Focus live album released by Garden Of Delights and otherwise I will reintroduce to you this fantastic band. Out Of Focus was a German group from Munich whose sound was very similar to what Canterbury bands were doing, even though with more experimentations, something that was krautrock bands' trademark.
In their active times, they released three studio works, as the last one being a double record isse. A fourth album was even entirely recorded, but it's just got to be released for the first time in 1999 by Garden of Delights.
Anyway, a great band and highly recommended for fusion fans.
01 See How A White Negro Flies (5:48)
02 God Saved The Queen, Cried Jesus (7:28)
03 Hey John (9:35)
04 No Name (3:06)
05 World's End (9:55)
06 Dark, Darker (11:37)
Remigius Drechsler - guitar
Hennes Hering - keyboards
Moran Neumüller - vocals, saxes
Klaus Spöri - drums
Stefan Wisheu - bass
Originally released as Kuckuck 2375 006 in 1970.
Esoteric 24 Bit Mastering - 1971(2010), FLAC (tracks+covers), lossless
Out of Focus powstał w Monachium w 1969 roku i nagrał debiutancki 1970 płyt z domieszką roślin zielnych z hard rock, blues i jazz, który został opublikowany w tym samym roku w kukułką ("Wake Up!"). Z drugiej płyty ("Out Of Focus", 1971), zespół przeniósł się coraz bardziej w kierunku jazz-rocka, który następnie w produkcji trzeci i ostatni, "Four Letter poniedziałek po południu" (1972) - powinno mieć pierwszeństwo. Potem zespół się rozpadł. Klawiszowiec Hennes Śledź chwycił ją na Saharze w kluczach. Pośmiertnie ukazały się dwa kolejne albumy do tej pory: "Not Too Late" (2000), z kawałkami demonstracji niezrealizowanych fourth LP z 1974 roku, i "Drogi Rady" (2002) z outtakes z sesji w trzecim LP. Munich in late-1969. they were immediately signed by Jonas Porst, manager of Ihre Kinder, to his Kuckuck label. Before recording their first album in 1970, the band spent time practicing vigorously to work out their incredible progressive blend of rock, jazz, folk and blues.The new British edition (Esoteric's) debut album of one of literally some of the best, progressive formation of continental Europe! Ingenious combination of climates of the early Jethro Tull and Pink Floyd with a hint of Colosseum - backed by a very solid game and an excellent rhythm section, nice vocals. CD with no weak points!
ResponderExcluirKrautrock always raised my blood pressure, and this is what I heard was the quintessence of the genre. Excellent compositions, great performance, great guitar, great bass, hammondy and wonderful, slightly jazzy flute. Six tracks, 47 minutes of great, musical feast,The wonderful combination of early Jethro Tull Pink Floyd krautrockowym watered abundantly spiced sauce and psychodelic. Given the year - the group ahead of the whole world (the album was released in 1970, but recorded in 1969!). The potential of this group was huge, proved that the next releases.
In the mid-70's they were dropped from the Kuckuck label, a result of Kuckucks new direction. This was an unfortunate occurance because the group had recorded a fourth album which they were looking to release. All attempts to get a new contract fell through, the album was never released (it has actually just been released on CD in 2002) and slowly the band drifted apart. Guitarist, Remegius Drechsler went on to join Embryo while Hennes Hering, organ/piano, went on to the group Sahara.
*micose* Many thanks again for the opportunity to listen to it again.
A má notícia.
ResponderExcluirBaixei duas vezes os arquivos para ter certeza e está dando que está corrompido. Pelo que entendi o problema parece estar na segunda parte (http://lix.in/-a3dbc8).
alguna posibilidad de volver a subir el archivo?, està dañado. Gracias
ResponderExcluirUnfortunately the archive is bad. May I ask you to correct it? Thanks in advance.
ResponderExcluirLinks updated. Sorry for the delay. =S
ResponderExcluirthanks a lot micose, apreciated
ResponderExcluirHope you all finally enjoy this gem. @_@
ResponderExcluirBad Links. Takes me to some Internet vs. Hollywood shit.
ResponderExcluirNEW LINK:
ResponderExcluirEsoteric 24 Bit Mastering - 1971(2010), FLAC (tracks+covers), lossless
Filho do Krautrock, mas com um pé no prog setentista. Claro que a experimentação está latente neste disco, em especial. Grande álbum. Grande banda. Pena que não recebeu o reconhecimento devido.
ResponderExcluirAbraço BRUNO
Filho do Krautrock. A banda já tem um pé no progressivo setentista. Mas com a experimentação ainda em evidência. Grande álbum. Grande banda. Pena que não recebeu o reconhecimento devido. Viva o rock alemão!
ResponderExcluirAbraço a todos BRUNO MORAES
sorry, same problems with minhateca
ResponderExcluirMuito obrigado!! Vocês tem Four Letter Monday Afternoon do Out of Focus pra postar? Estou tentando baixar ele mas não acho
ResponderExcluirTo tentando baixar nesse torrent https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/3785900/Out_Of_Focus_-_Four_Letter_Monday_Afternoon_(1972)_[APE] Four Letter Monday Afternoon