Extra - The Original Black Sabbath is Back Again
Quando o Tatonha falou eu não acreditei, mas ai está o site e as entrevistas com o Black Sabbath Anunciando a sua volta na formação original, inclusive com disco novo
A maior de todas está voltando, só o diabo os traria de volta, então confiram aqui
Hey your freaks, this notice is to kill everybody
When Tatonha said I did not believe, but there is the site and interviews with Black Sabbath Announcing its back on the original lineup, including new disc
The greatest of all is coming back, only the devil would bring them back, so check here
and here in portuguese
Noticia na globo Brazil
Talked about this on Sunday at the flea market,
ResponderExcluirimpossible for so many years, it became possible ... black has become white?!
I hope that not the split his fame for a minor