Black Widow Volume IV - Remastered -FLAC

Indispensável - Classico do Aboscured - Satanic -Sinister Rock

Mr(s).God is White-This next week i will declare the Armagedon
Only Black Widow Official Live (CDS and DVD) 
And, of course, Pesk Gee and Coven

Hello Putada and Freaks from the World (in Special From Costa Rica)

Here you are the IV volume from the incredible Black Widow Band
As i promissied, here you are.
Put you sound system in 120% Volume, call Vodoos Leaders,and others like that kind of people, and let's go to Rock And Roll 
As always, fucky yourself download this file
Ps: You have a big Invoice to pay me for this materials, but i accept in sexual favors (i don't accept  credicards, either tickets to Mormons and Others Religions Reunions), only for the Glorious Church of Rock And Roll 

Please, say to yours friends with in Brazil has a Real-Lover-Without Financial Purposes -Rock And Roll Blog, and i don't deserve my 15 minutes of fame.

Have a incredible and satanic day



  1. Pesky Gee A.K.A Black Widow with Coven, is a representation the best known as dark or as you say "Sinister", Thx putaveia, for post this "obscure material", and long life Rock

  2. I hope that armagedon will be start, and dont stop never, glad with my friend putaveia, and this great blog, the best of best

  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. Hi God
    Weel, i will try to mantain the Armagedon Forever
    Do you know "Dr.Z"
    More one to post here
    Have a nice day

  6. Romeu
    Gostei para caralho do seu blog, diferente do pessoal, educativo, eu num tenho muito saco para escrever, mas o seu merece os meus parabens
    Coloquei um link aqui apontando para o seu blog

  7. sonseira muito bom gostaria se tivesse no formato rar

  8. Setentista... acho que só sobrou a putaria. Viva o MEC do anos setenta.... Mais um pedido de esforço e educação para manter as coisas boas ativas. abraços pituitistas... ou seriam jiboiatisticas... não são com certeza sucuristicas....


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